Photo Studio是位于日本东京的极简主义摄影空间,由Hiroki Tominaga – Atelier设计。该项目旨在创建一个工作室,用于在住宅场景中拍摄物体和出版物。在现有钢架下方必须有一个自支撑式模块化木制单层空间。2.7m高墙的顶部是一个小的天花板,看起来像匣子,上面有照明层。演播室上有一个化妆间,主体和现有房屋之间有一个半室外空间。使用原始仓库结构作为空间形态,直接从锯木厂定制了约230块四英寸见方的实木材料,并进行现场组装。
Photo Studio is a minimalist space located in Tokyo, Japan, designed by Hiroki Tominaga – Atelier. The project was to create a studio for photographing objects and publications within a residential scene. It was essential to have a self-supporting modular wooden one-story space underneath the existing steel frame. At the top of the 2.7m-high wall is a small ceiling that looks like a casket with a lighting layer above it. There is a makeup room attached to the studio, and a non-air-conditioned semi-outdoor space between the main body and the existing housing. Using the original warehouse structure as a workshop, about 230 pieces of four-inch square distribution materials were delivered directly from the sawmill were processed and assembled on the spot.
设计公司:Hiroki Tominaga – Atelier
摄影师:Yasuhiro Nakayama