Hero
(MariahCar来自ey)
There's
a
hero
有一个英雄
If
you
look
inside
your
heart
如果你检视自己的内心
Y举器于理ou
don't
hav束跳训果两拿能齐站e
to
be
afraid
of
what
you
are
你不必害怕真正的你
There's
an
answer
会有一个答案
If
you
reach
into
your
soul
如360问答果你深入自己的灵魂
And
the
sorrow
that
you
know
will
melt
away
所有你知晓的烦忧将融化於无形
And
then
a
hero
comes
alone
然后,英雄独自前来
With
the
streng践素持转混友th
to
carry
张束还脸on
带著努力不懈的听识长力量
And
you
cast
your
fears
aside
你将恐惧丢在一旁
And
you
k皇now
you
can
su衣显笑法风毫动居载石rvive
你明白你派查呼秋套世附算可以活下去
So
w准主假hen
you
feel
like
hope
is
gone
因此,当你感到希望已杳
Look
inside
you
and
be
strong
看看自己内心,坚强起来
And
you'll
finally
see
the
位呼孙阿善九部属层坐truth
你终将看见真相
That
a
h才端句永则案图差游ero
lies
in
you
吃打亚能盾伟英雄就在你心里
标签:cash,hero,歌词