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who are you是什么意思

2023-04-03 05:54:31 编辑:join 浏览量:617

who are you是什么意思

who are you你是谁;你是哪位;例句1.Finally, as nobody seemed about to explain anything, he said, "I'm sorry, but I still don't really know who you are. "最后,他见没人发问,于是自己问了:“对不枣拦起!我真的很想知道你是谁。”2.For you to be able to read your friends' tweets, Twitter must first know who you are.要能够读取朋友的tweet,Twitter必须首先知道您是谁。3.You long for that state of awareness in which you know that all is well and you can be just who you are.你们渴望那种觉悟状态,在其中你知道一切都好,你可以只做你自己。4.It might not always upgrade the ship you precisely wanted, but for those of you who are short of time it will keep the game playable.它也许总不升级您精确地要的凳举胡船,但为那些您是时间短小它答或将保持比赛右演奏。5.Those of you who are from Boston know that this was the moment -- rare -- where the Red Sox won the World Series.那些从波士顿来的人知道有这样一个时候--极少数--红袜对赢得了冠军。


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