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no zuo no die下一句是什么

2024-01-22 03:18:23 编辑:join 浏览量:542

no zuo no die下一句是什么

“no zuo no die” 下一句是: why you try 或者why you cry 

1、上联:no zuo no die why you try 不作不死你为什么不试试 

下联:no try no high give me five 不试不嗨你给我加油

横批: let it go 快来作死

2、上联:no zuo no die why you cry 不作死就不会帆燃死你哭什么,

下联:you try you die don't ask why 百般尝试一样死别问为返桐什么。

横批: just do it死就死吧

3、【全文】:no do no die why you try no try no high give me five let it go!

no do no die why you try you try you die don't ask why just do it!

No zuo no die why you try

You try you die don’t ask why

No try no high give me five

Why try why high can’t be shy

You shy you cry still go die

No zuo no die don’t be shy

You shy you die you can try



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